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  • Writer's pictureKori Peterson

5 tips for nude photography

I used to tease that I love my body while wearing clothes, but that I hated myself naked. Although I felt I was joking, I couldn't be more serious about the shame I felt anytime I looked at myself nude. Even a simple glance in the mirror after getting out of the shower was enough to make me hate myself and the sensuality that the naked body portrays...until I realized that the naked body by itself doesn't depict any sensuality. The naked body by itself doesn't ask for catcalls or unwanted advances.

The naked body by itself represents the inherent beauty in all of us, and our curves, scars, and muscles represent our body's amazing ability to adapt and transform.

Photographers have a gift for being able to capture the beauty in everything, and to seen how magical and capable your body is where beauty and art meet. It transcends self criticism and creates a magical world of its own. My appreciation for my body drastically changed for the better after my first nude photoshoot, and ever since then I've been trying to convince all my family and friends to pose nude as well!

But just because it's beautiful doesn't mean it's easy! Posing nude has it's own set of complications, from location hunting to finding photographers to staying warm! Just because it seems impossible doesn't mean it has to be, and with the following tips it can actually be quite simple!

You may want to find a photographer who knows you well, or maybe you want to be paired up with a complete stranger knowing that you'll never have to see them again. In either case, you know what you're comfortable with and you don't have to feel bad about defining your own comfort zones. If you're looking for someone new, I suggest looking for photographers who have boudoir profiles because they are likely comfortable directing and photographing partially nude figures. In your initial conversation, you will want to let them know that you want a fully nude photography session and ask if that's something they would be comfortable with. After that, set your standards with each other early on. Is it ok if they bring an assistant, are you comfortable with them sharing your pictures on their portfolio or website? Trust me, once you're naked it'll be a lot more awkward and fragile to discuss boundaries, so try to get all of your concerns and requests outlined before the session!

Shooting in a studio is hands down the most risk free option. You can usually find photo studios for an hourly or daily fee and the studio is all yours. You won't be bothered by bystanders, other customers, or even the owners in most cases. Usually it's just you and the photographer. Studios are also very simple and clean, which is great if you want a very simple background with all the spotlight on you! They are great for a minimalist look, and will maintain your privacy and modesty throughout the whole thing.

Nude photography embraces the natural beauty we've all been given, and what better way to celebrate that than with the natural beauty of the earth? There's definitely an appeal to shooting nude in the middle of the sand dunes, forest, mountains, or even a city if that's your vibe. However, this can be a bit more risky, being naked in public isn't necessarily the most legal thing in the world, and you can actually get cited for it if someone calls to report a public decency complaint. To avoid this, I suggest early morning shoots. Plan on arriving to your location about 30-45 minutes before sunrise to scope out the area and set up, and as soon as the sun starts to come up, shoot fast! It might help to bring a friend to even be on lookout to warn you if anyone comes your way so you can wrap up in a blanket on demand. Depending on location, it might be a bit chilly to shoot au naturel at 5-6 am, so bringing hot tea and fuzzy socks would help with that too.

Suggestion: The AllTrails app does show the traffic on outdoor locations. If you do decide to shoot outdoors, see if your location is on the AllTrails app first and read the reviews. Some locations still do have a lot of traffic at 5 am, so maybe look somewhere less traveled!

Who doesn't love a good Airbnb, taking advantage of the luxury and design of others without having to completely revamp your own home? Airbnbs are nice because you find pretty much whatever style you want without having to travel too far or buy your own props for a studio. Maybe you want a nude shoot with a hint of bohemian vibes, or you want to skinny dip in a private pool to show off your free spirit. My dream is to one day be able to afford a weekend girls trip at Amangiri, and trust me, I will definitely be bringing a photographer friend to take pictures! Airbnb might be a more expensive option than a studio, but they offer the same privacy and seclusion.

This one applies especially to models and photographers who don't have a lot of experience with nude modeling. This may sound obvious, but modeling nude has a high potential of turning out with a completely different mood than what you're looking for. You'll need to decide very early on what you're looking for. Do you want something seductive, tasteful, playful, or wanderlust? Do you want to highlight your strength, femininity, or specific physical features? Are you the centerpiece or an accessory in your pictures? Gathering a handful of images from other models and photoshoots will help inspire your own vision for the session, and keep both you and the photographer on brand. I went into a photo shoot not too long ago, and although I wasn't fully nude there were a few topless shots that I was excited about. Unfortunately, I never provided an inspiration board and so the photographer and I had very different standards for how the photos would turn out. Although the pictures were great, I couldn't use a single one on my page because they were completely off brand. The hashtag #NUEDisnormal on Instagram has some great content if you need a place to start looking!

I know it can seem intimidating, and maybe you don't believe that your body is good enough for a nude photoshoot.

I believe every body is a body worth celebrating, scars and skin and all.

You don't even have to share any of the images, they could be just for you and your own rainy days. Take your time, do your research, and commit when you're ready. I hope you find as much celebration and joy through your pictures as I found through mine!

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