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What about me?  I have always been fascinated with culture, language, anthropology, and psychology.  I moved around a lot growing up, living in areas all over the US, Germany, and Austria.  In my early 20's, I started to realize that I where I lived and the language I spoke greatly affected my way of thinking.  It affected how I viewed others, how I solved problems, and how I communicated.I studied social psychology at BYU, where I continued to observe my theory that the education and influence we accept greatly influences our behavior. Everything is intertwined, whether we realize it or not.  I became fascinated less with understanding the clinical side of things, and more intrigued with tackling social issues.   Thus, the inception of this blog!

On a more personal note, I still enjoy reading philosophical and self-improvement books.  I love being active, including running, yoga, cycling, and swimming.  As much as I love the beach, if I settle down anywhere, it would most likely be in the city.  I love all things avocado, and refuse to let my age tell me that I can't get excited when my favorite ice cream is on sale.

If you aren’t born with boobs and can’t


My purpose in creating this page is to engage your philosophical side.  We often take advantage of what we consider truth, without giving much thought into the arduous journey those before us have taken to reach their conclusions.   Is truth a fact, or is it more of a journey?  Can we really understand the truth if we haven’t asked ourselves the difficult questions, considered all points of view, and acknowledged all of the roundabout consequences of adopting a specific point of view?  My purpose is not to sway you one way or another.  My purpose is to expose you to different points of view, take a walk in someone else’s shoes, and help you feel the agony when you don’t fit into a cookie-cutter point of view.  These are the difficult social issues.  This is the hurt we often don’t talk about.  In order to heal and connect with each other, we must resist the urge to convince others to our point of view, let ourselves be vulnerable, and come together as fellow humans.

Green Plant
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